Principal Investigator: Francesco S. Cataliotti (
The European Laboratory for Non-linear Spectroscopy (LENS, is the largest interdisciplinary laser laboratory in Italy and a part of a European network of large-scale laser facilities. Established in 1991, LENS is associated with the University of Florence. It provides advanced laser and spectroscopic facilities for researchers from Europe, promotes and facilitates the exchange of ideas, scientific techniques, and technical skills. Research at LENS focuses on the use of laser light to investigate matter from different points of view and under different conditions encountered in atomic physics, photonics, biophotonics and chemistry. LENS is among the founders of LASERLAB-Europe, a consortium of 33 leading institutions from 16 countries dedicated to offering access to high-tech laser facilities to European researchers. LENS has actively participated in FET programmes since FP5. Up to now, 10 ERC grantees have worked at LENS, testifying the excellence of its research. LENS is also part of the National Research Infrastructure Roadmap as one of the most important interdisciplinary research institution in Italy, such as advanced laser and spectroscopic facilities open to researchers from European countries.
Experimental implementation of a system for testing the cooling and trapping of cold atoms using atom chips for the realization of matter-wave interferometers. The researcher will take part in the planning and realization of the setup involving a vacuum system, stable and narrow linewidth lasers, and contribute to the design and testing of atom chips with novel microelectronics and photonic structures.