- Dates: 18th – 20th February 2025
- Location: Trieste, Italy
- Application Form
The conference is hosted by the University of Trieste. It will take place in Room B (ground floor) of Via Elisa Baciocchi 4, downtown Trieste. Via Baciocchi (also called Androna Baciocchi) is 20 minutes’ walk from the train station, and 10 minutes’ walk from Piazza Unità, the main square of the city; most hotels in the city are also within walking distance. Several buses run from the train station to near the conference venue.
Lecturers & Speakers
Lecturers: Natalia Bruno | Christian Koller | Luca Pezze
Speakers: Christoph Amtmann | Angelo Bassi | Fabio Benatti | Pasquale Calabrese | Thomas Fernholz | Peter Kruger | Lukas Mairhofer | Giuseppe Mussardo | Aurelian Perrin | Francesco Scazza |